Thursday, April 30, 2009

Holocost Rememberance Day

The Holocaust was a very sad time in the history of the world. As I see it, the Holocaust was completely unnecessary, however, I cannot help but see many important lessons that should be taken away from this. First, we should never discriminate against anyone who is different than us, because the thought of doing that to anyone is hypocritical. Because to those whom we are discriminating against, we are the outsiders, we are the ones who are different. But we really aren't any different, we are all humans, and that makes us as similar as water from the Atlantic compared to water from the Pacific, the water came from different places but its still water, that is the second lesson we must learn from this. The third and final lesson is that violence will never be the ultimate solution to anything. Because, chances are, when you begin massacring other people, you will eventually be overpowered by some other forces, and if nobody relents, that will be a very scary situation, possibly ending our race. My thoughts on the Holocaust is this, that it was a terrible time in history, but we neither deny that happened, nor downgrade its seriousness, and we must learn from our mistakes.


Gossip is a very terrible thing, and is detrimental to the reputation of an individual. This story has a wonderful analogy for gossip, because like feathers that float away in the wind, they never can be completely gathered up. This is almost identical to what happens when someone starts a rumor. It begins with one person telling a lie, and then people want to tell everyone they know, and those people want to tell everyone they know, and so on. Once the train of gossip is set in motion, it will never stop. Gossip give the originator a sense of false confidence. By degrading others with lies, they believe that it makes them a better person, or more popular. To have a false rumor started about you is horrible, because much like the person who stared the gossip, you cannot stop it, and then people develop a false image of the subject of the rumor. Gossip is something that cannot be solved without a very public statement done by the originator of the rumor, stating that the gossip is nothing more than just that, a rumor.

Monday, April 20, 2009

My Public Service Announcement

The public service announcement that my group is choosing to do is a warning to not get your ankles "broken" during basketball by someone else performing crossovers. We are going to get some footage of Brett or Drew "breaking" Jeff's ankles, and then show how someone would prevent this embarrassing event. I'm going to try and get some words flashing on the screen to emphasize the major points. Its going to be a funny public service announcement sending a "serious" message to the public. Hopefully, we can make all the transitions as seamless as possible, and add a great poster to help explain our message.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My iMovie Project

This is my iMovie project that I did in my computer technology class. We were supposed to make a music video for a song that I liked. I chose to use the song All-Star by Smash Mouth, because I knew that there were a lot of lyrics in the song that would be easy to visualize. I got a few ideas for the video from the official music video, but most of my ideas were original. I really like the song, and ever since I was eight or so when the song was originally released it's been one of my favorite songs. So, it was lots of fun reliving my younger years, and seeing the results of my hard work.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Break

This Easter break my family went to Williamsburg, Virginia. We had a great time!  We went golfing, visited the historic Colonial Williamsburg area, and did some shopping. It was very similar to other trips we had taken to Williamsburg, however, we went to the Easter Vigil mass at the William and Mary campus chapel, which was quite an experience for me. During the mass, they baptized five students, which is customary, but it was much more violent than I had ever seen before. Because when the students stepped up to be baptized, they stepped into a small pool and had two large jugs of water dumped on their heads. It is going to be an experience that i will remember for a long time to come.

Eagles - Hotel California.mp3